St. Joseph Retreat Center, is a ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph, Wheeling Center, located in Wheeling, WV. The mission of the Center serves as a means of extending the mission of loving unity to which the Congregation of St. Joseph is called. Through our programs and peaceful environment, we strive to provide a place where individuals and groups may nourish their spiritual lives.
During these uncertain days of the Covid-19, our goal is to support you through these challenging times. We continue to offer spiritual companionship and emotional support by way of spiritual direction and directed retreats on zoom or by phone.
Some onsite programs have been adapted to a virtual format. Going forward we continue to adapt some offerings to make them accessible online as well. In addition, links to other CSJ spirituality centers and enrichment resources are also provided. Please sign up to ensure you are notified when new programming is posted here, or follow us on facebook.
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Joseph Retreat Center Zoom, Wheeling WV
The retreat center is a sacred space for me. The spiritual directors are insightful and deeply rooted in prayer.
The retreat center is so peaceful. I feel myself slow down the moment I drive up the hill.
I love the programs and always find my inner self when I am able to be silent in such a peaceful environment.
The Holistic Retreat is a way to bring full circle our God, our bodies, and our Spirit. We learn how connected we all are.
SJRC is a peaceful and engaging place to reflect and learn. The atmosphere is warm and inviting. I always feel welcome there.
Somehow, St. Joseph Retreat Center manages to touch your heart and soul, from an exuberant evening of music with Dan Schutte, to a quiet faith journey with Daniel Caron. The sisters, the grounds, and staff all help to make each visit a ‘mini-retreat’!
Spiritual Direction – Virtual Sessions
Spiritual direction provides an opportunity to reflect with another in faith and prayer on one’s life in relationship with God, self and others. Are you interested in learning more? If you are interested in looking deeper into your relationship with God through prayer and discernment, please contact us.
Coming Up Next
St Joseph Retreat Center is offering On-Line Directed Retreat Opportunities…
What is a Directed Retreat?
This silent, individual retreat is for persons who are interested in committing to times of silence and prayer each day. In addition to a several periods of intentional prayer each day, the retreatant can rest, walk, journal, etc. Each day the retreatant meets with an experienced spiritual director to share the fruit of prayer and how God is speaking in his or her life.
Please note: We are offering 6 or 8 day retreats.
Options for shorter retreats can be discussed.
Possible retreat directors – Dates for directed retreats are arranged upon request and according to the availability of a director.
Kathleen Durkin, CSJ
Kathleen is a trained spiritual and retreat director, and a certified dream work facilitator from the Haden Institute. She holds Masters’ degrees in Religious Education from Fordham University and Organization Development from Loyola of Chicago. Currently, she serves on the staff of St. Joseph Retreat Center as a spiritual director and program facilitator.
Ileana Fernandez, CSJ
Ileana (Ily) is a certified spiritual director and retreat director. She holds a Master’s Degree in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University, Omaha, NE and a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies from Incarnate Word University, San Antonio, Texas. Sr. Ily is available for spiritual direction and retreats through St. Joseph Retreat Center.
Helen Skormisley, CSJ
Helen is a Certified Spiritual Director and Dream Process Leader. She holds active licensure/certification as a Clinical Social Worker, Jungian psychotherapist, Trauma Therapist, Grief Therapist and Board-Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner and Gerontology Practitioner. Presently, she facilitates the Adult Bereavement Support Group and is a Consulting Board Member at the WV Family Grief Center in Morgantown, WV. She is a graduate of the Haden Institute’s Spiritual Direction and Dream Leadership Training Programs. She offers dreamwork, spiritual direction, retreats and programs at the St Joseph Retreat Center in Wheeling, WV and other locations in WV
John Spiesman, Ed. D, MSW, LISW
John completed formation training as a spiritual companion and dream worker through The Haden Institute, a program in the Jungian Mystical Christian tradition. He accompanies journeyers in person, on the telephone, or through an online secure platform, welcoming all who long for a deeper relationship with the Divine. John offers retreats and dream work individually and to groups. He is particularly interested in spiritual symbols and ritual, church wounds, vocational calls, the Celtic Anam Cara and Celtic Spirituality, as well as dream work, journeying with men, and empaths. John is on the faculty of The Haden Institute, and presently serves as a spiritual companion and dream worker in addition to his work as an educator and clinical social worker in Ohio.
Cost for Online Directed Retreat will be adapted based on the amount of days.
If you have questions, please contact Anna Marie Troiani, Executive director of St. Joseph Retreat Center at or 304-232-8160 x112.
Congregation of St. Joseph Spirituality Centers
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