Date(s) - 05/10/2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

St. Joseph Retreat Center


Join us as we delve into the world of dreams, myths and fairy tales. Part 2 or 2.

Embodied Myth is a group process that uses world literature to explore our inner landscape. Through this process we gain a greater understanding of what is moving in us — under the surface of life. Using the myth as a tool, a guide, and a safe structure, we reconnect with unrecognized parts of ourselves. We also encounter the healing wisdom hidden in myths and fairytales.

Cost: $10.00

RSVP: or call 304-232-8160 x112

Date: Wednesday, May 10

Facilitator: Laura Lewis-Barr

Laura was a graduate student in clinical psychology but she eventually switched majors and earned her M.A in theatre. She is an award winning filmmaker, playwright, theatre director, and teacher.

Fees for programs or retreats may be mailed to the address below.
Fees for retreats include: lodging, meals, and direction. A $50.00 deposit (non refundable) is requested when registering for any retreat.
Your cancelled check will serve as your receipt.
Please make checks payable to Congregation of St. Joseph, and mail to:

St. Joseph Retreat Center
137 Mount St. Joseph Road
Wheeling, WV 26003

St. Joseph Retreat Center reserves the right to cancel a program if necessary. Programs may be cancelled if fewer then the required number of participants are enrolled, or in case of unavailability of the presenter. Refunds will be made if the program is cancelled, or payment may be applied toward another program